CovidTimes — Notes to Myself

1. God first. God always. God alone!

2. Pray. Reflect. Act

3. Own your mornings!

4. Meditate on your mortality everyday!

5. Live as if you have died and come back – every minute is a bonus.

6. Read a little. Write more. Think most. Meditate all the time!

7. Look for something good in every person.

8. You are eternally protected. Know this and be fearless.

9. Focus on what you can control!

10. Value ‘Time’ more than money and possessions!

11. Do it now.

12. Faith. Family. Friends

13. Remember – you have the power to have ‘NO Opinion’

14. Listen more. Speak less!

15. Introspect!

16. Find a way to love everything that happens!

17. Don’t follow the mob!

18. Say ‘NO’ more often!

19. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.

20. Look for beauty in ordinary things!

21. Always choose ‘Alive Time’!

22. If someone offends you, realise you are complicit in taking offence.

23. Possessions are your, only in trust.

24. I owe nothing. I own nothing.

25. Accept success without arrogance, handle failure with indifference!

26. Don’t explain your philosophy. Live it!

27. You bind and free yourself with your thoughts!

28. Don’t take life too seriously!

29. This too shall pass!

30. Live with delight!

31. Be a smile millionaire!

32. Be honest.

33. What is the rush? What is the hurry? You have to reach no where!

34. Just Be!

35. Judge nothing!

36. Think only good. Share only good!

37. God is LOVE!

38. Become LOVE!!

38. Ego is the Enemy!

40. Stillness is the Key!

Copyright ©

Thank you so much my dear friend, for your time and your love ❤️ You are a blessing!

191 thoughts on “CovidTimes — Notes to Myself

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  1. Super late with this but thank you, Mr. Ashok for making this piece. A reminder that everyone needs in this time of pandemic. What a wonderful words you’ve shared, Sir. You inspire the lives of many and may you continue to share and help others uplift themselves. God bless you 😊🤗

  2. Oh I love it. I guess we all are going through a transition mode of our own. I hope we should all applied these points in my life. But as per I am reconsidering…I will for sometimes will go with “say yes more often”

  3. Ashok, #33 reaches out to me. Enjoying life means living without being in a hurry. Retirement has solidified this in my life even more. God’s grace and peace to you during your journey of meditation and rebirth.

  4. Ashok !It’s been a long time after i visited your site . I hope you are fit and good. Thanks for sharing your notes to the readers this will push them to do good things.

  5. This is a reminder post for all of us during these tough times. We should all stay mentally connected and pass on positive vibes to our near and dear ones to fight this battle!!!

  6. Reading such a positive post bring great peace and hope in these uncertain times. Thank you so much for spreading the much needed positive vibes and hope 💫💗🙏

  7. These are some great points to remind us of the things that are truly important. Rest are all insignificant. My favourite is always ‘this too shall pass’….thanks for sharing with us 🥰💖💖

  8. Great tips! I wish I could follow them all. I find myself breaking one or doing one too much like reading too much and writing little, judging others etc

  9. If that’s so, I like to pick 3, 6 and 14. Though I am not a morning person and tried to wake up late whenever I find a chance ☺️

  10. Those who knows the fact of life n meaning of life must have lived by practicing the Below line, so you are my dear Ashok, loves for sharing such valuable notes ❤🙏

    I owe nothing. I own nothing

  11. Thank you so much my smart, wise and young friend 💖🤗

    If you find stillness, you have found everything 💜

  12. Am so glad some one has a question. You are so smart Purva and am so proud of you.

    Most of us know that Will Power is very important. Without will power we can’t even move our hands and feet!!
    But most of us forget that Will Not power is equally important! Saying ‘No’ to that extra scoop of ice cream and bar of chocolate! To sleep for that extra hour. To say No to another hour is binge streaming. When you have plans to finish your project and friends call up to go to a café or a movie, and you say yes just to remain accepted in the group ….etc etc – you are not being true to yourself and that life is not authentic. Very few of us lead authentic lives Purva.

    Enjoy your Sunday 😊🤗

  13. My favourite “Stillness is the key” ❤️❤️
    This is sooooooo goooooood. Every point is so deep and meaningful. Thank you spreading it. You rock 😎🥳

  14. Each reminder is a gem and life will truly turn into bliss if we are to follow these notes.

    You’re blessed by Almighty with a pure heart. Not everyone can think of something like this.

  15. Great post Ashokji, really nice guide to contemplate on and try to follow in real life. All this much knowledge will take time to understand and assimilate, now need to pull them up one be one and introspect on the little steps to follow those (I liken that to chewing the cud in our lives 😊).
    Thank you so much for sharing these gems 🙂🙏💖

  16. That is so sweet Dee. Am so glad all these touched you as they do it to me – every time!!

    Thank you so much 😊 🤗

  17. Oh my gosh! You learned a very good point there fellow blogger😍💯

  18. Thank you so much Kamal. I have been writing some of these for myself last 15 months! A few for many years!!

    Yes, the beginning of the day sets the tone for the day!!

    Thank you so much Kamal for your kind words always 💖🤗

  19. And I learn so much from young, intelligent and enthusiastic children like you Samreen. Thank you so much 💖🤗

  20. Wow!!! So many good points. Each time I thought one point was the most profound I found another. Love your focus on God is first. Love “Do it now”. No bucket list, just do it. I’ll be re-reading this for sure!!!! Thanks Ashok. Great advice. Dee

  21. Thank you dear Ashok for motivating and encouraging notes that are so valuable for all of us to live each and everyday in them. To get up in the morning and see another beautiful day is a blessing from God. God who we need to be so grateful and thankful to from morning to dusk and follow all his ways of living. Love that is the mighty force. A wonderful post.

  22. Ah Ashok❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Me dear, this is so awesome!!!
    I’m more inspired by the 6th point😍💯

  23. Wise jewels of wisdom, learning, intelligence and truth we all need and must follow to live a contented life. MashaAllah uncle you are such a treasure, there’s so much to learn from you 🤗💖😊💚✨

  24. Wow these notes are really amazing, very helpful! 😍 notes that I need to inscribe in my mind and heart 🤍

  25. Thank you so much my dear. These truths are always needed at some stage or the other. You are awesome 💖🤗

  26. 😇nice reminders. I agree with these points.
    Ego is enemy!🤔 I would like to befriend my ego so that I could make it calm and understand from where it comes. If I think it as a enemy, I will always be disturbed by it😊

  27. Thank you for sharing these immensely positive tips during such a trying time. ‘Read a little. Write more. Think most.’ I really like this one. I’m also trying to work more on the second one. It’s important to look within ourselves and recognise our faults so that we can solve them by praying, reflecting, and acting.

  28. ‘Listen more. Speak less!’ —something which I have been practising for the past few years. It allows me to learn so much from the other person(s) and gives my mind adequate time and space to articulate my thoughts!

  29. So true Shweta. If we can follow even a few our lives would change and so would the world 😊

    Thank you so much

  30. Oh I am not quite sure where he exactly stays.

    No I haven’t started to wear saris yet.

    But I still love to! On janmashtami mum allows me to wear int he night when it is considered as Krishna’s birth…

    Oh it’s glad to know you visit Noida!

    I actually live 1hr away from sector 14…
    Well will have to go now!

    Enjoy your day!

  31. I can well imagine not raining much in Noida just now. In North monsoon arrives end of June and in Pune on the 10th!

    So good to know about your mom visiting Pune and picking up so many sarees. Don’t tell me you are already wearing sarees 😇

    Where does your mama stay? You must come over too and you know you would be so welcome to stay with us.

    I visit Noida often. My niece lives in sector 14.

    Love 💖🤗

  32. That is such a beautiful start to the day Bernie. May God give you more to be thankful for!!

    Thank you so much 💖🤗

  33. Thank you so much Radhika. You are so kind to me!

    These are meant for me but decided to share with my blogging family too.

    Stay blessed 😊🤗

  34. Thank you so much Muskaan. Your reading and commenting is precious to me 😊💖

    I have been writing many of these for myself for the past 15 months. Many of them again and again 😊

  35. Oh it hasn’t begun to rain hear back in Noida, but it did feel like some water droplets…

    Well, it must be lovely living Pune, right?

    Since my mother is an M.D. in Panchakarma,
    last year she had to visit Pune for her training for more topics in Ayurveda.

    She went there with my Nani and my little brother.

    Luckily, one of her cousins ( My mama) and his family live in Pune.
    So, they stayed there.

    When she came back, she brought many saris from there, even one for me!
    Since she prefers to wear saris in most
    formal events, she has a big collection of them.
    Well hv a nice day ahead!

  36. Nice collection. Thanks for sharing.
    About Covid-19, well;
    This make me able to face my true and big fear of losting someone, and It also give me alot instead of taking.
    It gave me pen instead of voice.

  37. each of the point is necessary in life whether we are in this pandemic or not😊 ..thank you for sharing sir♥️

  38. Wise nuggets coming from someone who has experienced life in all its layers and emotions. Definitely worth emulating. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt life lessons Ashokji 🙏

  39. This is so precious and true! I wish we all could acknowledge these gems of knowledge and live life better! 💫
    Thank you for writing this!

  40. You stated it so well. we do not always realize the importance of owning it. I think you gave me a new idea for a journaling post!💭

  41. You are sooooo sweet Aadya. Thank you so much 😊💖🤗

    You too. Have a joyous day.

    It is raining since morning in Pune – light and pleasant

    Love and blessings

  42. Good Heavens! This was marvelously, amazingly, beautifully, deeply, marvelous, amazing,beautiful and deep.


    Have a nice day!

  43. I was thinking of making it into two posts but then decided to go ahead 😊
    Have been writing these in my diary off and on and reading them off an on for the last fifteen months !!
    Thank you so much Medhaji

  44. This is a exhaustive list that we need to remind ourselves of, as frequently as possible!

  45. We’re walking on a track of learning Baba jani. Beautiful thoughts of these wise people make our journey more enlightening.
    Much love and blessings for my Baba jani ❤💕💖💕❤

  46. Thank you so much Shalini. They are meant for me and I am going to read them everyday too😊
    Am glad these touched you too!
    All the very best

  47. I have added a couple of thoughts from the story about the wise lady in the village 😊💖
    Thank you so much princess for all your love and time 💖🤗

  48. I’m going to put these down at my work table, kitchen….all places that I introspect in ❤️

    These are precious words of wisdom, we know of them, but you’ve summarised so simply and so well.

  49. Live as if you have died and come back every minute is a bonus.
    I’m thankful for god…You’re like a blessing come true to Me…you’re not only my’re my best Friend too 🙂

  50. Thank you so much Shweta. This is so sweet of you.
    Yes, I am going to focus on these all the time too 😊

    Thank you so much once again 😊🤗

  51. Thank you so much Sloka. Yes, spiritual truths are always true and needed 😊

    You are an amazing young lady and am sure you have a great life ahead for you. Love and blessings 💖🤗

  52. Wow this is so deep and something I should print and hang by my bedside! Thanks for sharing your tips for a beautiful life uncle….Covid or no Covid, these are great points to keep in mind to stay physically and mentally healthy

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