Dawn Meditation πŸ’–

Tuesday dawn was mesmerising. I wanted to sit for my morning meditation, but my eyes were glued to the changing colours of the sky and my feet were riveted to the floor in the balcony and my heart had stopped to beat!! Sometimes when we face nature at its breathtaking best, everything stands still. There is utter peace. It was that kind of dawn. 45 minutes of sheer bliss. Isn’t meditation all about loving God and merging in Him?

God’s grace is new every morning
God is love
God is peace
God is joy
God is beauty
God is bliss
Oh God beautiful at Thy feet oh I do bow

All pics on my iPhone between 5.25am and 6.10am on the 18th of May.

If you too love the sky do check out: My First Love and November Sky

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226 thoughts on “Dawn Meditation πŸ’–

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  1. Script 1

    Hey! My name is Johnathan Wisdom. I am glad to join this group. Is anyone having problems with their current meditation techniques? I just found something cool . https://bit.ly/2SqIIBi I just wanted to help.

  2. When I am faced with God’s breathtaking creations, all I can think and know at that moment is : (Psalm 46:10) “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

  3. Thank you so much Ana for your such insightful thoughts. And so good to hear from you after a very long time!

    Stay safe. Stay blessed

  4. I often fall into meditation with my eyes open. There’s a whole school of zen which does so all the time. I think the quality of photographic energy you sucked through your camera says a lot about the depth of your meditative stare at that moment! Of course, in many ways, being born into the fine arts predisposes one, as it were, to meditate while also taking notes! Haha! Have a beautiful day, brother

  5. Hope all of you had a great day. Belated birthday wishes Christina πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸ’ƒπŸ»

    Thank you so much 😊

  6. It is about putting in effort and passion or love Maureen. Read, like and comment on posts or comments of other bloggers you like and it would grow. I shall surely do my best πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

  7. Hello ashok, please do checkout my post it’s a story and do let me know your thoughts on it by commenting below my post. Also do follow me back if you liked it I’m planning to come up with the next part.
    Thanks πŸ™‚

  8. Hello, please do checkout my post it’s a story and do let me know your views by commenting below my post.
    Thank you πŸ˜‡

  9. Mind blowing pictures of the sunrise.

    Time to pause and ponder over the mesmerizing sky… The beautiful colors of the sky absolutely absolutely different each and every day reminds us of the Diversity of Creation of The One and Only Creator.

  10. Thank you so much 😊

    I am all for natural living. You would like an old post: Am a Happy Fruitarian

  11. I guess sky is synonymous with positivity and also keeps us motivated by painting itself beautifully, each time a different frame.

  12. Super sky pictures. I used to post a picture of sky every week, a few years ago. I don’t do that anymore. Anyways, this is a perfect setting for meditation.

  13. Hello brother, Can you please send me your whatsapp number.
    Actually we created a blogger group where you can learn something or teach something.
    So if you are interested in it please drop your whatsapp number

  14. Thank you so much Vivek. Appreciate this.

    I have been working by myself only (as far as blogging is concerned 😊) Let us see if the situation changes. All the very best to you

  15. Hi, ashok I really really like your posts. So, I wanted to become a part of your team. What you think
    Team works make dream works, So Can I able to be your partner,

  16. Thank you so much my dear Cindy. A couple of minutes meditations during the day or so helpful πŸ˜…πŸ’–

  17. Gwad Ashok… Your pics and you are God and Love and that was an amazing 2 minute meditation just reading and looking at those STUNNING PICS! That is meditation in action.
    LOVED this soooo much❣️

  18. Thank you so much my friend with a beautiful mind πŸ’–πŸ€—

    Today morning was another beautiful experience πŸ’–

  19. Oh…. Sometimes just looking at such pictures of skies inspires me so much for my next poem!! 😍 Such beautiful pictures, Ashok! β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸŒΉπŸ‘ŒπŸ’

  20. We have had a cyclone here and I think this divine sky was a passing gift πŸ’–

    Thank you so much 😊 πŸ€—

  21. You’re right, that sky is truly mesmerising. Thank you so much for sharing these breath-taking pictures of natural creation. They can really help you to put things into perspective, appreciate beauty, and thank God for all that you have.

  22. I found the problem. The url from where you are commenting is: wherelifeunfolds.wordpress.com

    And the link you have sent is : wherelifeunfold.Wordpress.com

    S is missing here. I could like and follow from the link. Do correct it soon as everyone may not make so much effort and you will miss out.

    All the best

  23. Wow… These pictures are absolutely beautiful! It’s such a wonder how the sky’s color changes in such a short span of time. Thank you for capturing this and sharing it with us.

  24. Amazing clicks… Loved the capture πŸ‘

    On Wed, May 19, 2021, 09:02 Musings of a Wanderer wrote:

    > ashok posted: ” Tuesday dawn was mesmerising. I wanted to sit for my > morning meditation, but my eyes were glued to the changing colours of the > sky and my feet were riveted to the floor in the balcony and my heart had > stopped to beat!! Sometimes when we face nature at it” >

  25. Yes must be the cyclone effect. In Mumbai also it created havoc only feel so upset and bad for our life giving trees they are saying almost 3000 trees were destroyed. Hope our BMC could know how to save trees. Always welcome Ashok.

  26. Captivating early morning pictures of the beautiful sky, Ashok. God is Everything that you have so very beautifully said and we all bow down to His Feet. Thanks for the awesome share.

  27. Yup. I was away for a while. You will surely see my posts in coming weeks. I am on it again and will not disappoint anybody for sure πŸ™‚πŸ˜Š
    Recently, read your interview; was a great one. I cannot imagine how do you cope up with so many blogs. That’s unbelievable but great ❀️

  28. Oh yes Samreen light and good shall always prevail in the end. Thank you so much πŸ’–πŸ€—

    I hope you shall start to post soon πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

  29. So good to know this πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

    I have always been an early riser and love the stillness. Some days God sends beautiful sunrises and clouds πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

    Thank you so much

  30. Truly sublime, a visual treat πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–
    Beautifully captured Uncle πŸ€—
    This is how life changes colors, from dark times to finally light, in between colors change but light surely paves its way. 🌻

  31. The hues have been captured beautifully. I am amazed by the beauty and really it feels like meditation. Stunning pictures.

  32. Beautiful indeed,I was also watching through the changing of the sky on Sunday morning,it was my first time and I was so upset that why ddnt I think of doing these my daily routine,this sunrise brings hope to the world,they assure us of God’s love,God’s mercy in every tribe,every nation…….πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  33. Astounding colours unfolding on Tuesday morning. I am certain just looking at it would have emanated peace, as much as mediation would. πŸ™‚

  34. Amazing, lovely, wonderful, heartwarming, inspiring, beautiful! Thank you for sharing πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ§‘πŸŒ…

  35. Thank you so much Munna.

    Normally such sky is seen only in November and December in our part of the world. I think this was because of the cyclone on the west coast. Today it is bright and sunny 🌞 πŸ€—

    May God make all your days sunny β˜€οΈ

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